Two Guys, One Crest

"Back on the Trail - Friday, July 12, 2024

It’s been a few weeks. Scott and I our currently getting ready to get back on the trail. Hopefully the snow will be much less present now. I’m certain we’re still going to have to deal with it but I’m not sure how much.

We’re also planning on skipping a section. The section that we’re skipping is supposedly the hardest on the trail for elevation gain and one of the longest sections at 100 miles. Last we heard snow was still an issue through it. These two plan changes I think make sense when looking at our skill level and the close call we had. We’re also not the only ones skipping this section. Some of the hikers also had plans to skip this section. It seems that this year really has been a rough one for snow.

We later came to find out a good chunk of the people we talked to in Stehekin, the resupply town we stopped at, did not even do the section we did. That was a smart move in my opinion.

The next stretch is around 70 miles and stops at Snoqualmie Pass. We’re mostly out of the Northern Cascades but that still leaves the Southern Cascades. From pictures I’ve seen I think this is some of the prettiest parts, we’ll find out soon enough.

The break off of the trail was good as well. We have family on the west coast and we spent a week and some change catching up with them. We had planned to just camp out for a week or two but this was a much preferred alternative.

It feels good to be getting back on the trail, but safety should always come first. No trail is worth getting seriously injured or dying over.